Wednesday, December 28, 2011

a lull in the proceedings

I started this way back in March & I have loved each step of the journey

Fabrics : all my Denyse Schmidt bits from various collections & lots of stash add ins

Quilting  : Single Girl design by DS & machine quilted by Leone Ward

it was bound in the Queensland summer 

think... fans & iced drinks to keep me going 

My Echo quilt is also done 

I had yet to try quilting free motion lines  but this fabric got me started

I love the result

whole cloth backing in Echo too , will be looking for some more of this line !!

A pair of blue eyes passing during photos bobbed into view :)

I hope all my friends enjoyed a happy & peaceful holiday season as we did here , with all the family 

home from their far away places



  1. Look at this bounty! Love the single girl and adore the echo! have been one very busy girl. Stay cool!

  2. Single Girl is one of my favorite quilts :) Yours is lovely! We are expecting Echo in our shoppe very soon and I just can't wait!
