Saturday, March 31, 2012


I am not sure what the correct name of this block is but I'm calling it snowball-ish because it is a bit like

 a snowball

that's all my wedding quilt tops done !!

off to the quilter with this & then it will be on it's way to  London

linen & left over hst blocks  make a  scrappy zip pouch for these hexagons

they came as part of a birthday present from Jessica in London

next up

a baby quilt for Seamus

a mixed stack from Fabricworm & some sweet organic cotton prints by Birch fabrics

I need to think about design 

This arrived this week ... I have been so excited I've carried it around all week 

it doesn't disappoint 

if I have a quilting hero it is surely Denyse Schmidt  

happy sewing 


  1. Love the quilt, pretty and simple. I'm sure the recipients will be thrilled with it.

    Seriously want the book but have been trying to hold off for a bit. Went to Spotty and did a little DS shopping today - she just about warrants a stash on her own. lol

  2. The snowball quilt is very pretty.......did you use a pattern, and if so, would you be happy to share what it was? You are probably too clever for pattersn though and just made it up as you went!!!!! Aaaahhhhh! Amanda
