Saturday, June 11, 2011

oops where did the time go

The Down Under Doll Quilt Swap has finished up ... many thanks to Kate  for arranging this great swap. I hope there is another round .

Such inspiration from all the participants .

I lucked out big time !! My partner was Sarah Fielke the legendary quilter , quilt & fabric designer .

I have been a fan since I first saw her books & have them all. My wee quilt is so cute & I do love it.

Sarah kindly included some of her "from little things" fabric & some beautiful new Bari J 

I have almost finished binding the quilt that is coming to Edinburgh with me in a few days , it is much

prettier in person and the quilting by Leone Ward is perfect . I can't wait for the wedding .... there will be 

bagpipes !!!

Look away Lauren !!!

It has lots of my favourite scraps & the original inspiration for this quilt came from here.

It's a big mama & measures 96"X 96"

A liberty scrap pouch for the bride , did I tell you she loves pink ??

I hope to post from Scotland & England where I'll be for the next 3 weeks   :)


  1. Have a wonderful time! Everything looks so fantastic! And lucky you for getting Sarah as a partner....too fun :)

  2. Oh you lucky girl - what a gorgeous doll quilt to treasure and nice booty too! Enjoy the wedding and love, love, love your gifts. What a lucky bride!
