this came out of hibernation yesterday & for the next few days I'll be happily ensconced in a mammoth pinning session
I'd forgotten what a cheery quilt this is & how it will look just right in one of my newly re-done spare rooms
I plan to finish this week !!
I'd like to introduce you to my new BF Bernadette , she has a few years on her ( like me ) but I have to admit she is a real beauty (unlike me !)
I had always wanted a Bernina but just at the time I was ready to make the big decision I was talked into another brand . I did love her too but this machine is giving me much finer neater stitches & I find myself now using her exclusively.
I'm not sure how old she is , anyone out there know ??
I bought her from my local Machine Service Guy for $300 & am so pleased I did.
I have been reading the NZ blog Tiny Happy for a bit now & love Melissa's fragile drawings , stitchery & floral watercolours .
I bought a FQ of her original fabric & some watercolour cards
My lilac & grey baby quilt top is done & am waiting for the postie to bring some shot cottons to make a backing.
happy weekend
I'm loving your single girl - gorgeous fabrics and beautiful colour combo. I think you're brave! And your new machine acquisition is spectacular. Enjoy the challenge/excitement of a new machine!