Sunday, February 5, 2012

1st lone star

So here it is .... my first lone star block 

I'd have had it done in half the time if I had read the pattern carefully 


It is quite large & measures around 29" square

I plan to get 1 star done each day this week during a short break from work 

Birthday deadline on the 25th is looming

This one is for my Mum but I may make myself  another huge one ... looking more like this or  this 

My baby size granny squares is quilted & bound 

this block has taken off in the blog-a-sphere

a flickr group formed & lots of pinning going on 

it has been bound in a solid aqua & backed in aqua polka dot print 

cute enough for a baby girl I hope 

wishing you all a happy week 



  1. Those colours are beautiful!! LOVE IT! Cannot wait to see the whole kit and kaboodle.

  2. I love the idea of a quilt made up of a couple lodestar blocks. What pattern are you using? As always, thanks for sharing!

  3. I love your lone star quilt and would love know the pattern. I have been looking everywhere online. Please point me in the right direction. The world can never have too many quilters!
