Sunday, September 23, 2012

doll quilt

This is the 2nd round of the Down Under Doll Quilt Swap that I've joined

The size of the doll quilt makes it all very do-able 

& I will definitely join in again next year .

I think my  hand stitching is coming along a little 

A big thank you to Mary , whose help I called on, when I  lost direction in how to quilt this teeny quilt.

Happy Sunday 


  1. So gorgeous. Keep up the inspiration Lorraine!

  2. Beautiful - love the handstitching and your binding!

  3. It's lovely! Really like the handstitching.

  4. oh lorraine - its fabulous and the hand stitching is great - love it all - it looks so happy on my wall :) I'll have to post a photo of the pouch you did on flickr as well - its just gorgeous too :)
