Saturday, September 15, 2012


and a little bit of Liberty

I have been playing with the idea of neon & neutral. 

kokka blue/grey linen + neon corduroy + liberty tana lawn

My son has moved to NY & requires a new quilt to suit his new Soho life.

We have been inspired by this one  by Carrie Strine 

I love the random line neon quilting

While looking for grey linen to use as the quilt top I've been pinning away at the neon theme

& have made myself a lap top sleeve 

NY City is a very long way from here but he lives  just 3 blocks from here , I suppose this may be a small consolation 

: /

Have a good one 

1 comment:

  1. Lorraine, I love the idea of neon and Liberty together. Very unusual but modern and striking. It would certainly suit NYC. And oh to visit Purl!
